Thursday, May 10, 2012


For the final assignment in CAD I chose to make my own website on blogspot. I originally chose another website but ran in to some issues because I needed more memory than was allow and would have to pay. I found that blogspot was the best solution for me because I have another blog that I can maintain at the same time as this one. So, upkeep and maintenance will be a breeze since I am already familiar with how this website works. For this website I created my own layout, background, header, tabs, button, exc, by using different formats, programs and codes. The button I created is not for my portfolio website but for my blog, because I think it's important to link the two to show my design aesthetic, personality, and inspiration. My blog is also something I work very hard on and have built it for the purpose of branding myself. I have over 11,000 views on it and get comments and am asked for advice on different things more often than I ever thought I would. I think the two paired together will really help me out and draw in different viewers from all audiences. I also chose to use issuu, like I did before with my magazine because it gives it a "portfolio" feel. I've learned in other classes if you make your websites have personality or tangibility it makes the consumer want to hang out on your site for longer. I believe issuu gives me the feeling I want for my website.